In PMBOK, a project life cycle comprises of 4 phases namely:

2. Planning
3. Execution
4. Closing out
Initiation phase (also known as Conceptual phase) of a construction project is initiated from the client side. During this phase, a business case is being presented to the senior management. In this business case, the purpose of this project, the high-level description of the project, success criteria, the project budget cost and the high-level project timeline(Level 0) will be outlined. Usually, the timeline is estimated based on projects of similar complexity.
Once the project is given a go-ahead by the senior management, the planning phase of the project life cycle begins. The designated PM will proceed to develop a Project Master Schedule (usually Level 2) with inputs from Architect, C&S consultants, M&E consultants, contracts managers, and internal stakeholders. It serves as a basis on which the milestones and key dates in the tender specifications is being derived.
At the tender stage, each tenderer will be requested to submit a detailed tender programme to comply with the specified milestones and key dates in the tender specifications. To be shortlisted, It is essential that the tenderers’ demonstrate their understanding of the project scope and ability to complete the project within the timeline of the project. Hence, the tender schedule is usually a Level 3 schedule which shows sufficient details of their intent sequence of works. To aid the understanding of the programme, it is normally accompanied by a programme narrative which describe the construction strategy, general sequences of work, assumed productivity of various trades, critical path, project constraints, associated project risk and how it will be managed.
Once the project is awarded to the successful contractor, the execution phase of the project commences. A detail baseline schedule (level 3) which is further developed from the tender schedule is being submitted for approval which when approved is being used for subsequent status reporting to the client and EOT evaluation.
However, for site tracking and controlling of sub-contractors’ work, each sub-contractor will further develop a more granular Level 4 sub-contract schedule based on their sub-contract deliverable milestones.
For site supervision, a very detail 1 week look ahead work schedule is further developed from the above Level 4 schedule so as to track and manage the day to day site work.